Talks & Podcasts

My passions lies both with conference talks and podcasts. Hence, I have not only attended multiple scientific conferences as a speaker, but can also be heard regularly on various podcasts.

My recurring podcast projects include the German retro games podcast Stay Forever, where I oversee and host the series “Die Welt von…” (“The Lore of…”), as well as Lovecraft podcast dLG-Radio, where I am one of two executive editors and regularly record episodes myself.

Conference presentations

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2019). “Being In/Out of Control: Playing the Hero-Villain in Prey (2017)”. Villains! Constructing Narratives of Evil (Justus Liebig University Giessen).

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2018). “‘The Horror! The Horror!’ Eine kleine Einleitung zum Thema Horror”. Opening lecture. Fear the Game: Horror, Störung, Game Design (Justus Liebig University Giessen).

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2018). “The ‘Network Apocalypse’ in 21st-Century Weird Fiction: Narratives of Interconnectedness, Cosmic Indifferentism, and the End of Mankind”. Literature and Literary Studies in the 21st Century: Cultural Concerns – Concepts – Case Studies (Justus Liebig University Giessen).

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2017). “Mapping Digital Dis-Ease: Representations of Movement and Technology in Jim Sonzero’s Pulse and Stephen King’s Cell“. Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference (StokerCon, Long Beach, CA).

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2016). “‘Here Be Monsters:’ Locating Gothic Terrors in the Contemporary (Trans-)Media Landscape”. HERMES Symposium: Contemporary Perspectives on Media and Genre Interactions (KU Leuven, Belgium).

Schmitz, Rahel Sixta (2016). “‘This Lonely and Primitive Place:’ The Function of the Representation of Eastern Europe in Le Fanu’s Novella ‘Carmilla’ and the Web Series Carmilla“. Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media (Leiden Universiteit, Netherlands).


Main series

Index of all episodes

“Folge 33 mit Rahel und Laura, 1. und 2. Vorsitzende der Deutschen Lovecraft Gesellschaft”. Plott Hook. 13.06.2024.

“Die Welt von Warcraft“. Stay Forever. 21.05.2024.

“Das Geheimnis guten Horrors”. Coffee, Cake & Games. 08.05.2024.

“Monster-Menagerie: Die Hexe”. Stay Forever. 22.03.2024.

“Cthulhoide Videospiele”. dLG-Radio. 15.02.2024.

“Die Welt von Fallout“. Stay Forever. 11.02.2024.

“Künstliche Intelligenz”. Memento Macabre. 09.01.2024.

“Retro-Horror”. Memento Macabre. 26.12.2023.

“Monster-Menagerie: Der Ork”. Stay Forever. 22.12.2023.

“Weihnachten mit Lovecraft”. dLG-Radio. 15.12.2023.

“Die Geister die ich rief”. Memento Macabre. 12.12.2023.

“Kinder der Nacht”. Memento Macabre. 28.11.2023.

“Faszination True Crime”. Memento Macabre. 15.11.2023.

“Miskatonic Society: Neue Gesellschaft am LARP-Horizont”. dLG-Radio. 15.11.2023.

“Die Welt von TMNT“. Stay Forever. Gast: Mattes Penkert-Hennig. 13.11.2023.

“Totenkulte”. Memento Macabre. 31.10.2023.

“Ruinenromantik”. Memento Macabre. 17.10.2023.

“DttD – Quests: Thief III – Shalebridge Cradle”, Ep. 3. Down to the Detail. 15.10.2023.

“Die Untoten”. Memento Macabre. 03.10.2023.

“DttD – Quest: Thief III – Shalebridge Cradle”, Ep. 2. Down to the Detail. 24.09.2023.

“Teuflische Harmonien”. Memento Macabre. 20.09.2023.

“DttD – Quests: Thief III – Shalebridge Cradle”, Ep. 1. Down to the Detail. 08.09.2023.

“Die Hölle”. Memento Macabre. 05.09.2023.

“Monster-Menagerie: Der verrückte Wissenschaftler”. Stay Forever. 01.09.2023.

“Darstellungen des Todes”. Memento Macabre. 22.08.2023.

“Die Namen des Teufels”. Memento Macabre. 08.08.2023.

“Die Welt von Battletech“. Stay Forever. Host: Rahel Sixta Schmitz. Gast: Oliver Haake. 07.08.2023.

“Trailer”. Memento Macabre: Der Mey & Edlich Podcast über Tod und Teufel. 31.07.2023.

Silent Hill 2“. Stay Forever. 16. 07.2023. (Enthält ein Segment über Silent Hill 2 und Gothic Fiction).

Lovecrafter Online im Gespräch”. dLG-Radio. 15.04.2023.

“Ratten im Gemäuer”. Cthulhus Geflüster. 28.03.2023. (Adaptation of the Lovecraft short story “The Rats in the Walls”)

Monkey Island 2: Wusstet ihr eigentlich …?”. Stay Forever. 21.03.2023. (Contains a short discussion with me on Voodoo in pop culture).

“Kosmisches Intermezzo: Monstress“. dLG-Radio. 15.03.2023.

“Lovecrafts Lyrik”. dLG-Radio. 15.02.2023.

“Die Welt von Vampire“. Stay Forever. Host: Rahel Sixta Schmitz. Gast: Mháire Stritter. 23.01.2023.

“Jahresrückblick 2022”. dLG-Radio. 15.01.2023.

“A Year in Horror Special – Das Jahr 2022”. Filmtoast. 22.12.2022.

“Weihnachten mit den Nerds 2022”. Nerdwelten. 16.12.2022.

“Lovecrafter im Gespräch”. dLG-Radio. 15.12.2022.

“A Year in Horror – Das Jahr 2002”. Filmtoast. Hosts: Patrick Krämer & Daniel Flege. Guest: Rahel Sixta Schmitz. 17.11.2022.

“Horrorspiele der 80er”. Nerdwelten. Host: Hardy Heßdörfer. Guest: Rahel Sixta Schmitz. 28.10.2022.

“Cyberpunk und der Cthulhu-Mythos”. dLG-Radio. 15.10.2022.

“Die Welt von Mittelerde”. Stay Forever. Host: Rahel Sixta Schmitz. Gäste: Max Kirchgäßner / Tobias M. Eckrich. 30.09.2022.

“Die Welt von Pokémon“. Stay Forever. Host: Rahel Schmitz. Guest: Dominik Seiler. 17.08.2022.

“Aus dem Verein über den Verein”. dLG-Radio. 15.07.2022.

“Pilotfolge”. dLG-Radio. 15.07.2022.

Eternal Darkness” (SSF 52). Stay Forever. 12.06.2022. (Contains a short interlude by me on the subject of “cosmic horror”).

“Wo wir stehen April 2022”. Stay Forever. 12.05.2022.

“Die Welt von Star Wars“. Stay Forever. Host: Rahel Schmitz. Guest: Kevin Arnold. 21.05.2022.

“HPLCP Transmissions”. H. P. Lovecast Podcast. Ep.6. Hosts: Michele Brittany & Nicholas Diak. Guests: Farah Rose Smith, Rahel Sixta Schmitz, Kevin Wetmore. 30.09.2021.

“Die Welt von Lovecraft”. Stay Forever. Host: Gunnar Lott. Guest: Rahel Schmitz. 16.05.2021.